
Migraine Headache Treatment: How to get rid of Migraine headaches for good!

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Migraine headaches are one of the most common types of chronic pain in the US and it’s also one of the most debilitating types of headaches there is. We’re here to tell you that you don’t have to live with Migraines anymore, we know that you have tried many things to get rid of Migraines but many times nothing worked or it worked temporarily until the Migraine came back with a vengeance. But by reading this article we can show you ways of migraine headache treatment to help get rid of them and prevent them from coming back!

What Is a Migraine?

Migraines are episodes of severe pain, usually in one area of your head. They typically last from four to 72 hours. Some people who have migraines also experience vomiting, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound.

These symptoms can be so intense that some people say they feel like they’re going insane. For about one-third of migraine sufferers, auras—visual disturbances that include flashes or zigzag lines—are an early warning sign that a migraine is coming on.

About three-quarters of people with migraines report being very or extremely sensitive to certain smells and sounds during attacks, according to a 2012 paper in Cephalalgia. Although most people know what a headache feels like, not everyone knows how to identify a migraine.

The International Headache Society defines it as a severe headache lasting 4-72 hours (untreated or unsuccessfully treated), with at least two of [11] defined characteristics, including moderate or severe pain intensity; unilateral location; pulsating quality; aggravation by or causing avoidance of routine physical activity (eg, walking); nausea and/or vomiting; photophobia and phonophobia (sensitivity to light and sound).

Migraines affect more than 10 percent of women worldwide. Women are more likely than men to develop migraines before puberty but after menopause sees fewer attacks overall.

What type of headache is a migraine?

First, a migraine is not just one type of headache. It’s a complex neurological condition with various types that affect people differently.

For example, some people experience full-blown migraines (which are intense and debilitating) while others only have subtle symptoms or think they have something else entirely. So how do you know if you’re having a migraine or not?

You’re likely experiencing a migraine if your headache is accompanied by at least two of these four common symptoms: sensitivity to light/noise, nausea, vomiting, and extreme fatigue.

Causes of Migraine Headache

People with migraine often experience visual disturbances, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, vomiting, and extreme fatigue during migraine attacks.

It is also a common cause of migraine headaches to develop a stiff neck. In some people, a feeling that something is stuck in your throat may occur before or during an attack. These symptoms usually last from four to 72 hours.

If you do not treat them early enough, they can evolve into a severe migraine headache that can be accompanied by neurological symptoms such as numbness in your arms or legs or loss of consciousness for 30 minutes or more.

The frequency and intensity of your migraines can vary over time. Severe causes of migraine headaches may last from two days up to a week, but most people have pain only once every few weeks or months.

Chronic migraines are defined as those occurring 15 or more days per month on average. They tend to run in families, suggesting a genetic component. Other risk factors include obesity, high blood pressure, smoking, and depression.

Women are three times more likely than men to suffer from chronic migraine. Experts don’t know why women are at greater risk than men for developing chronic migraines; however, hormonal changes (such as menstruation) might play a role in triggering these types of headaches in women who already have frequent migraines.

What is an aura?

Auras are neurological phenomena that often occur before or during a migraine attack. Auras can affect vision, smell, taste, hearing, and speech. They are characterized by a feeling of tingling or weakness in one area (or all) of your body before any other symptoms appear.

In most cases, having an aura does not necessarily mean you’re going to have a full-blown migraine. For example, some people may experience an aura without a headache at all; others might feel dizzy but won’t lose consciousness.

Migraine headache medicines or home remedies: which is better

Which option is better and which choice will work best depends on your needs. If you’re someone who experiences severe pain, having a migraine headache medicine on hand will likely be your best bet.

Also, if you already have migraine headache medicine that works well for you—such as over-the-counter migraine medicines—you might not even need to seek out a remedy outside of what you have available at home.

However, if migraine headache medicine isn’t doing its job or if your migraines are different from what they used to be, going with a home remedy might be a safer (and cheaper!) alternative. You can also try both remedies together to see which one works better for you.

Whatever you choose, it’s important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to migraine headache treatment options. What worked for one person may not work for another, so don’t give up until you find something that does help ease your symptoms!

Remedies to get off Migraine headache

You don’t have to keep suffering from migraine headaches if there are migraine headache remedies that can be used when they strike.

However, there is no single migraine remedy that works for everyone. Rather, migraine treatments vary depending on what causes your migraines.

Moreover, some home remedies for migraine headache treatments work better than others in certain situations and with varying degrees of pain intensity and frequency. As you search for a method that will make you free from migraine attacks completely, try these effective migraine headache treatments—and learn how to use them effectively so as not to aggravate your condition further.

There are several migraine remedies and home remedies for migraine headache treatments that can help relieve migraine pain. Try some home remedies for migraine headaches or all depending on which works best for you. Before trying any migraine headache remedies, it’s important to rule out any underlying health problems by visiting your doctor and getting a diagnosis.

The following is meant only as a temporary solution until you get better with proper migraine headache remedies treatment from your doctor. Here are some migraine remedies to try if you have severe attacks regularly

  1. Stay in bed.
  2. Take an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen or naproxen.
  3. Drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated.
  4. Meditate or do yoga to calm your mind and body down.
  5. Apply a heat pack on the back of your neck or head area.
  6. Get some sleep; it’s the best way to deal with any kind of illness!


Migraine headaches are one of the most common medical problems in India, affecting more than 38 million adults.1 If you’re someone who suffers from chronic migraines, that number probably feels way too low—you might feel like everyone around you is in pain and you’re the only one whose head just won’t stop pounding! For some migraine sufferers, the throbbing pain and intense sensitivity to light and sound can be incapacitating, making it difficult to function at home, in school, or at work.


What is the best treatment for migraine?
If you have migraines, you already know that they are debilitating. You feel like a prisoner in your own body. With so much other stuff going on in life, it can be difficult to always schedule time out of your day to deal with them.

What is the main cause of migraine?
The most common migraine triggers include stress, hunger, and poor sleep. If your migraines are triggered by any of these things, you can take measures to decrease their frequency or severity.

What is the first line of treatment for migraine?
There are two first-line treatments for migraines: propranolol and amitriptyline. These drugs work by decreasing blood flow in your brain, which makes them particularly effective against migraines.

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