
Multiple Sclerosis


While most people connect multiple sclerosis (MS) with muscular weakness, numbness, and pain, weariness is the most prevalent symptom. According to the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America, about 80% of persons with MS suffer from fatigue at some time. [1] Fatigue is synonymous with extreme tiredness or exhaustion. The fatigue associated with Multiple Sclerosis may be difficult to manage and difficult to explain to others. Although this symptom is not so obvious to other people, weariness is quite real for individuals suffering from the illness. The first step in treating tiredness is determining what is causing it. Fatigue might be induced by nerve damage caused by Multiple Sclerosis. Sleep issues, sadness, and pharmaceutical side effects might all be contributing factors. The good news is that tiredness can be managed with the correct mix of drugs, lifestyle adjustments, and energy-saving techniques. What does Multiple Sclerosis Fatigue feel like? Fatigue does not…